
Professional societies & associations play a unique and critical role in identifying, articulating, and socializing appropriate norms within their disciplines.  They help to shape a positive research culture, working to advance core values including transparency, trustworthiness, equity, and inclusion.  Acknowledging that there are differences across disciplines, geographies, and communities, this cohort seeks to affirm its support for the open sharing of research and scholarship as a key enabler of these core values.

The Alliance for Open Scholarship (All4OS) aspires to operationalize open scholarship principles, tailoring discipline-specific guidance on core considerations like supporting and sustaining open infrastructure; providing training on good open research and scholarship practices; and aligning awards and recognition schemes to promote a culture of open research and scholarship.

What Is “Open Scholarship"?

Open scholarship (sometimes called “open science” or “open research”) is an expansive term meant to encompass the rapid and widespread sharing of a range of scholarly activities and outputs, across disciplines. Open scholarship promotes inclusivity, transparent and trustworthy research, innovation, and collaboration.

Who is Supporting All4OS?

ALL4OS emerges from the work of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Roundtable on Aligning Incentives for Open Scholarship. This multi-year project brings together key interested parties -- including senior leadership at universities, federal agencies, philanthropies, international bodies, and other strategic organizations -- to rethink research evaluation to better incentivize and reward openness and transparency. ALL4OS is co-chaired by senior leaders from the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB).  Operational and strategic support is provided by the Open Research Funders Group (ORFG), which coordinates the National Academies Roundtable.

What does Participation Entail?

Representatives from 10 professional societies and associations have conferred regularly to develop a joint statement encompassing (1) shared principles; (2) an action plan for developing discipline-specific guidance to accelerate adoption of open research and scholarship practices and incentives; and (3) a means to engage with their leadership, their communities, and other societies and associations to both solicit input and to share progress on these action plans. The cohort meets approximately once every six weeks to identify areas of shared interest and possible collaboration, exchange experiences and lessons learned, and refine strategies for developing and implementing action plans.

What does Participation Cost?

No fees or dues are required to participate in All4OS.